Benedict Todd

Organist · Composer · Conductor

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GSM Choir Tour 2018 – Salisbury & Wells Cathedrals

10 February 2018 - 14 February 2018

Every year the choir of Great St Mary’s go away togeth­er on a tour, usu­ally altern­at­ing year-by-year between inter­na­tion­al and domest­ic loc­a­tions. Fol­low­ing on from last year’s highly suc­cess­ful vis­it to Prague in the Czech Repub­lic, 2018 will see the choir vis­it the South West of the UK. Over the course of four days, they will be singing for the daily ser­vices in first Salis­bury and then Wells Cathed­rals (cov­er­ing the Cathed­rals’ own choirs’ absences dur­ing the spring half-term break). The tour will then con­clude back in Cam­bridge with the even­ing Ash Wed­nes­day Euchar­ist at Great St Mary’s on the 14 Feb­ru­ary. The choir will be singing at:

Salisbury Cathedral

Sat­urday 10 February Even­song  5:30pm
Sunday 11 February Euchar­ist  10:30am
Even­song  4:30pm
Music details can be found in the Cathed­ral’s music list.

Wells Cathedral

Monday 12 February Even­song  5:15pm
Tues­day 13 February Even­song  5:15pm
Music details can be found in the Cathed­ral’s music list.

Great St Mary’s, Cambridge

Wed­nes­day 14 February Ash Wed­nes­day Euchar­ist  7:30pm


Salisbury Cathedral

Salis­bury Cathed­ral
by Paul­haber­strohOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link


Wells Cathedral

Wells Cathed­ral
by GeoffPlinkerOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link



10 February 2018
14 February 2018
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Great St Mary’s
01223 747273