Benedict Todd

Organist · Composer · Conductor

Category Archives: News

Happy Easter 2024!

It is hard to believe that it’s only three months since my pre­vi­ous ‘Happy Christ­mas’ post – there has been so much change packed into that time. Although there are far few­er extern­al events asso­ci­ated with the run-up to East­er … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Happy Christmas 2023!

With the last con­certs and car­ol ser­vices of 2023 now com­pleted, all that now remains is the final pre­par­a­tions for the church ser­vices and cel­eb­ra­tions to come over the next few days. 

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Announcement: New Job

I am delighted to announce that, from early Janu­ary 2024, I will be tak­ing up the post of Dir­ect­or of Music at the church of All Saints’, Stam­ford. Con­tin­ue read­ing

Posted in Conductor, News, Organist | Leave a comment 2.0 is now live!

After many, many years of slow devel­op­ment, I am incred­ibly pleased to announce that the new, over­hauled and redesigned ver­sion of my web­site is now up and run­ning. This update is not just a redesign (although everything has been redesigned … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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