Benedict Todd

Organist · Composer · Conductor

Announcement: New Job

All Saints’ church, Stamford

I am delighted to announce that, from early Janu­ary 2024, I will be tak­ing up the post of Dir­ect­or of Music at the church of All Saints’, Stamford.

All Saints’, which is at the heart of the town of Stam­ford on the Lin­colnshire-Cam­bridge­shire-Rut­land bor­der, has an estab­lished chor­al tra­di­tion. There is cur­rently an adult SATB par­ish choir, and we will soon be re-form­ing the chil­dren’s Juni­or Choir as the church seeks to expand and devel­op its music­al min­istry. I am thrilled to have been appoin­ted to lead the expan­sion and growth of All Saints’ music pro­gramme, work­ing towards real­ising the church’s com­mun­al vis­ion of becom­ing a flag­ship resource church in the Lin­coln dio­cese, where music plays a cent­ral role at the heart of the wor­ship­ping com­munity and loc­al area. I am incred­ibly excited to see what we can all devel­op and build together.

This move will involve bid­ding farewell to Great St Mary’s, where I have worked for the last sev­en years: six as Organ­ist and Assist­ant Dir­ect­or of Music and one as Inter­im Dir­ect­or of Music. I have learnt a lot dur­ing this time and enjoyed so many of the exper­i­ences which work­ing there has afforded me; the annu­al choir tours (to Prague, Salis­bury & Wells, Dub­lin, Can­ter­bury & Kent and Shrews­bury & Chester dur­ing my time) have been amongst those high­lights, as have the many ser­vices, both great and small, ‘at home’ in cent­ral Cam­bridge. I will miss so many of my col­leagues and won­der­ful friends I have made dur­ing this time, but look for­ward to return­ing to vis­it in the future. Before this, I am also look­ing for­ward to my final sea­son of Advent and Christ­mas ser­vices at ‘GSM’ (as the loc­als call it) before my last ser­vice there on Sunday 7 Janu­ary 2024.

Bene­dict at the Uni­ver­sity Organ,
Great St Mary’s, the Uni­ver­sity Church, Cambridge
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